I have loved this series from the first book I read. This is the forth book in the series. The others are The Finding, The Mating & The Keeping.(not listed in reading order ) Each has been well written, drawing you into the Lycan world. As a plus all these stories are free eBook downloads. Nicky encourages you to make a donation to your local animal shelter if you like the books, this is a wonderful idea. It would also be great if after you read the book you leave a review at the site you downloaded it from. This helps the author. I personally will be eagerly awaiting the next book. Reno’s a tough Enforcer for Lycan Link who finds himself drawn to Brandi but duty rules his life. Brandi, just on the edge of starting her career as a Disaster Control officer, falls for Reno at first sight, but are they really meant to be? Is it love or lust and does it really even matter? Enforcers and DCs don't get along...unless fate forces them to.Bonded precedes The Mating in the Law of the Lycans timeline