Shut Up and Kiss Me

Shut Up and Kiss Me - Christie Craig Christie Craig writes an engaging, mysterious & funny story about the small Texas town of Precious, it's police chief and one photojournalist turn PR specialist.Precious is a small Texas town that need the tourist trade to survive. Hiring Shala Winters to boost the towns image and draw in the tourist may get the town more excitement then they bargained for.When Shala brings her camera to a Pow-Wow that has rules against any photography and suddenly a flash goes off, well the chief of police must enforce the rules... When someone keeps trying to steal the camera Sky Gomez has confiscated from Shala things could turn deadly.Trying to figure out who is behind all the happenings in Precious, Sky & Shala must learn to get along and work together.Christie has also has an interesting secondary set of characters in this story.